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我是一個普通中國人, 不屬於不同政見者 ,但是我完全贊同普世價值 認同中國全面實現自由民主平等人權,我不贊同暴力革命 ,不願在中國出現利比亞敘利亞之類的流血戰爭, 曾經希望中國共產黨能夠實現政治改革,自我民主化避免革命 ,當今中國社會矛盾激化,體制內派系林立, 爭權奪利爾虞我詐, 不擇手段, 社會矛盾民族矛盾尖銳 ,群體性事件頻發 。一切源於當前中共當局政治腐敗, 體制僵化落後 ,當局自認偉大光明正確 拒不認錯,不能反省自己 ,委罪於民,其統治,非但不民主,連最基本的開明都不具有 ,朝廷之上也沒有匡扶社稷之士, 倒行逆施。連德政都不搞, 竟想永久統治 ,以惡法行事 ,殊令我等絕望, 民主化是世界潮流, 非人力可當之, 除了法西斯和封建皇帝外,再不會有人反對普世價值 ,否則等於自認獨裁者 。中國早晚要順應這個潮流 ,不要輕易的說是顛覆。 看看卡紮菲的結局吧、我認同: 民權、民生、民主 、民治、民享、民有(Of the people, By the people, For the peo)、民族主義、(泛中華民族主義)、自由主義、 社會民主主義、 平等 、兼愛 、共同富裕 、人民自治(地方自治) 、個人主張:召開全國制憲會議 議決國事,建設中國為大一統的民主國家 ,實現多黨制民主政治, 國號可以叫中華民國(大中國), 對外為民國 ,內為中華合眾國(大中國國號和大陸地區政權邦號),中國國民黨返回大陸 ,臺灣其他政黨包括綠營遷至大陸競選 ,兩岸合併同為中華民國 ,民國回歸大陸之後, 臺灣享有半獨立地位 ,作為大中國的重要成員 ,可以變更邦號 ,保留軍隊, 所謂邦是位於國家主權內的二級次主權範疇 ,是半獨立的自由邦, 大中國的重要組成部分和最高級別地區政權 , 服膺於中央政權 ,不得脫離大中國主權 。 大中國之內全面開放不設限制。。西藏新疆兩地,可以參考美國印第安人保留地,設立藏族和維族的多民族自治邦, 統一藏地劃歸藏族自治邦, 國家負責其軍事和外交, 自治邦內部以原住民為主體, 各民族平等, 區域事務自決 ,沒有其他民族的藏地等處 ,有該原住民自行管理 ,中央政府有權糾治自治邦事務 ,維護其他族裔利益 ; 達賴喇嘛及流亡政府回藏 ,全面整合, 國家在自治邦內部駐有軍隊 , 中央設置民族事務機構管理, ;香港澳門地區升級為大中國的國家直轄自由邦, 原地位不變, 長官為自由邦總理兼任大中國政府副職首腦 ,立法權 司法權 獨立;以上由六個平行的大地區政權 構成統一的主權國家 即大陸的中華合眾國 (西藏新疆自治邦 ) 、香港 澳門自由邦 、臺灣國 ; 地方則是以人民自治為主導的地方自治 大陸各省以地方政府 議會 高級法院為主行使行政立法司法等權; 中央政府負責國防和外交 ,履行國家職能 ,平衡協調各方利益和關係; 其他: 階級平等 ,節制資本保護勞工權利 , 反對剝削壓迫 及一切壟斷利益集團 ;恢復私有制 ,平均地權 ,把土地還給國民。 恢復人民一切自由和權利(包括結社 信仰 生育 新聞 言論 政治 宗教 遷徙 版權 出版等等諸自由) 本人已退出大陸共產黨基本盤 編號1203162663748981 鄭重聲明 ;本人無意顛覆和危害任何國家政權及安全 任何國家不得以此入罪
I am an ordinary Chinese people, does not belong to the dissidents, but I fully agree with the universal values ​​agree with the full realization of the equality and human rights of freedom and democracy, I do not approve of violent revolution, do not want to appear in China in the bloody war in Libya and Syria, had hoped that the Chinese Communist Party to achieve political reform, and self-democratization to avoid revolution, today's Chinese society intensification of the contradictions within the system, the factions struggle for power intrigues, unscrupulous, social contradictions in the national contradiction, the frequency of mass incidents. All this stems from the communist authorities of political corruption, institutional rigidities and backward, the authorities consider themselves correctly refused to admit the great bright, not to reflect on their own, Weizui people, and its rule, not only undemocratic, even the most basic liberal not have the court nor idealists boat people in, perverse acts. Benevolent rule do not engage in actually want a permanent rule to the draconian act, special I despair, the democratization of the world trend, the non-human when the In addition to France and feudal emperor, no one will oppose universal values, otherwise equal to consider themselves dictators. Sooner or later to conform to this trend, not easy to subvert. Look at the outcome of Gaddafi. I agree: Civil rights and people's livelihood, democracy, the people, for the people, the people (Of the people By the people, For the peo), nationalism (pan-Chinese nationalism), liberalism, social democracy, equality, universal love, and common prosperity people's autonomy (local self-government) Individual claims: resolved to affairs of state to convene a national Constituent Assembly, the construction of the unified democratic state, to achieve a multi-party system of democratic politics, the country called the Republic of China (Greater China), foreign Republic, China America (China's national and mainland China regime state number), the Chinese Nationalist Party to return to the mainland, Taiwan's other political parties including the Green Camp moved to the mainland campaign, the two sides merge with the Republic of China, the Republic after the reunification with the mainland, Taiwan enjoyed a semi-independent status as an important member of the Greater China, you can change the number of states, retain its armed forces, the so-called state of national sovereignty within the two sub-sovereign areas, semi-independent Free State, an important part of the large Chinese and Regional Authorities of the highest level, adhering to the central government, not from the Greater China's sovereignty . Full liberalization of the Greater China is no limit. . Tibet, Xinjiang, you can refer to the American Indian reservation, the establishment of multi-ethnic autonomous state of Tibetans and Uighurs, a unified Tibet classified Tibetan autonomy state, the state is responsible for its military and diplomatic autonomy of state internal to the Aboriginal as the mainstay of all ethnic groups equality, self-determination of the regional affairs, and other ethnic Tibetan areas, etc., the indigenous people to self-manage, the central government has the right to correction of self-governing state affairs, to safeguard the interests of other ethnic groups; the Dalai Lama and the government in exile return to Tibet, fully integrated, countries within the self-governing country in the armed forces, the central set Ethnic Affairs agency management, ; Free State Territory for the countries of the Greater China in Hong Kong and Macao to upgrade the original position as Executive part-time for the Prime Minister of the Free State, the Chinese government deputy heads of legislative power independence of the judiciary ; Above constitute a unified sovereign state that mainland China by the Regional Authorities of six parallel States of America (Tibet, Xinjiang Autonomous State), Hong Kong and Macao Free State, the state of Taiwan; The local people's autonomy as the leading local autonomy mainland provinces to local government councils in the High Court the main exercise of the executive and the legislature and judicial rights; The central government is responsible for defense and foreign affairs, to perform state functions, balance the interests of all parties and relationships; Other: Class equality, self-control capital to protect workers' rights, against exploitation and oppression and all monopoly interest groups; restore private ownership, the average land ownership, the land returned to nationals. To restore the people all the freedoms and rights (including freedom of speech and political religion of faith fertility news migration Copyright publishing, etc. all free) I have to exit the mainland Communist Party of the basic plate number 1203162663748981 Solemnly declare that; I have no intention of subversion and harm of any state power and security of any country shall not be incriminating
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